

What Women Think While On A First Date

When one is heading for that first date, as a man you should for sure be excited. You go out there to know a new girl and maybe it might all turn well and at the end of the day she could end up being your girlfriend. Although, you should have a clue on what that girl you going to meet is thinking the entire time you with her.

Blind dates can be a little tricky, you might think all is well throughout the entire date but what you don’t know is that the woman sitting next to you could be in the opposite direction. To make it simple, she is not enjoying that moment. Well, some women are smart and faking can work for them. Whatever she is thinking could be different from how she is acting, in reality she is just trying to impress you. Hard to swallow, right? Face it, she isn’t interested dude.

Blind dates are fun since this is a better chance to get to know somebody well; so you should not really base the date on your expectations, finding that perfect match. There are several things you should have an idea of before going to that first date. It is good to also consider what exactly do women think when they are on that first date.  Here are a few things you should watch on, as women think about them.

Impress her by dressing good, don’t be messy

As you prepare to go on that first date, think of that dress code that gives you excellent look. Everyone heading for a blind date has that urge to see who they are going to meet, so better be smart since you’ll have more time to be with that woman.

Try not to over-do on your dressing code, many women out there are captivated with men who carry themselves properly without exaggerating. Be advised, many ladies do not admire guys who look wasted and messy; particularly on a first date. Just be simple and try all your best to impress her on your dressing code, that will earn your extra points.

Your ex will be a turnoff, avoid such topics

It doesn’t matter what you experienced with your ex, keep that to yourself dude, she does not want to hear about it. To be more precise that leaves an impression you have not yet moved on. Keep your ex-girlfriend out of your conversations the entire time.

Keep that for a later date if all goes well and you become an item. Bringing up your ex into a conversation implies that you are really desperate to get a replacement or you the kind of guy who takes ages to get over your ex. Be very careful, her brain is at work, you never know what she is thinking. Just make it a worthy experience. 

All in all, just be a gentlemen on the date, never bring up conversations that are not necessary. Come on, have fun to keep that memory. Enjoy the moment and do not mess it.


About Unknown

Ongera sam is an academic writer , Reseacher, Counselor,Blogger, Motivator with a bias in Quality Assurance.

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