

“You Killed Bosire Bogonko and You Are Pretending To Be Looking For Him. We Are Not Fools” Wananchi Tell Dennis Itumbi

Blogger turned government man Denis Itumbi yesterday got the shock of his life when people told him to his face that he is the one that killed fellow missing blogger Bosire Bogonko. They added that he was merely pretending to be looking for the missing blogger when he knew very well what he had done to the missing blogger.

Itumbi  had posted the following message on his Facebook page:

“Seriously, a man can one day just disappear like thatBogonko Bosire is a journalist and blogger of National repute, I refuse to believe that he just disappeared from our sight and presence and that nothing can be done. Together with a group of friends and former classmates we have looked in every morgue, in every hospital and everywhere he went on a normal day, with no success. Guys, as fellow bloggers, lets all put up an update to find this guy, or at least share this one widely. Anyone with info kindly inbox me. Now this matter is no longer one to brush aside” 

Some of the people who responded openly told him that he should stop playing with peoples’ minds and produce the body of Bosire Bogonko or the government should come out and say if he is an ICC Hague witness as has been alleged.

One blogger Edith remarked:

“Itumbi, Jeff Koinange said on Live TV that you know where Bogonko is and that he is not missing. You did not deny Jeff’s claims. He repeated it twice, he was very sure of himself, so why are you pretending not to know where he is? Stop playing with people’s minds. Bogonko kujifanya mjuaji na identity ya witness”

Yet another blogger responded sharply:

“But Dennis jeff said on a national television that you know the whereabouts of Bosire when Bonface mwangi said he doesn’t want to disappear like him.Who is fooling who now!!!!.Or are you trying to justify that you don’t know his whereabouts to escape from being pinned down??? #mythoughts

Another said:

“Boss, last week #jeffkoinange told Boniface Mwangi that YOU know where Bogonko Bosire – The motherboard of news and gossip is…..and could the latest update on Jackal News a pointer that Caroline Mutoko knows where the guy is????? What of this ICC theory?? Dennis Itumbi we are convinced you know where the guy is….pls tell us.”

Clearly it is time for Denis Itumbi to come out clearly and tell the country where blogger Bosire who has been missing since mid September is. It is no longer a laughing matter. And if Itumbi has anything to do with Bosire’s disappearance as he has been accused over and over, it is time for the government to step in.

Remember that Itumbi was the first person to speculate that Bosire was missing. He even went ahead to say that he had looked for Bosire in all the mortuaries, even before Bosire’s family was aware that their person was missing. It is illogical that someone can look for another in mortuaries even when the family doesn’t yet know that he is missing. Normal people look for missing people in hospitals first, not mortuaries.

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About Unknown

Ongera sam is an academic writer , Reseacher, Counselor,Blogger, Motivator with a bias in Quality Assurance.

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