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First of all, I’d like to state that I don’t have anything against Nairobi women, and NOT all Nairobi Ladies have these uncouth habits.
It’s a fact that Kenyans are wannabes, everyone trying to be like someone else. That’s why we have all these fake accents around. But at the end of the day, as someone once said; the secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.
If Nairobi ladies can do away with these seven annoying habits, then they should be treated with all the respect they deserve, until then;

1. Smelly Weaves –  Wherever the country your weaves, please just make sure it’s clean and well taken care of. Some ladies have weaves that smell of cigarettes and onions.

2. Asking For Credit – “Babe aki it’s midnight, and I left my M-Pesa pin at the office, please send me credit we chat”. That’s a text from a basic Nairobi woman.

3. Acquiring taste at someone else’s expense – You take a Nairobi lady to a club, and she asks for the most expensive drink that she can’t even pronounce.

4.Entitlement – Nairobi women expect you to do everything for them, for the sake of being a “gentleman”, some men do. It’s not like men are entitled to pay all your bills, sometimes you need to sought yourself out.

5. Fake Accent –  This is definitely one of the most annoying things. Almost all ladies in Nairobi nowadays have lived in Europe and America, even those who are from Kinoo have accents.

6. Letting go of their bodies – Some women don’t love their bodies. They eat all sought of junk foods and can’t even get close to the gym. Few weeks later cellulite and hanging tummy.

7. Wearing clothes that don’t fit them – As a woman, you need to be keen with what you put on before going anywhere. But since you pretend that you love Louis Vuitton so much, you go to a store and the only size available is XL, you decide to take it anyway. Nairobi_Ladies