

Depression is very dangerous to your health, how to avoid it

Depression is an extreme emotional expression of feelings such as sadness, discouragement or not being in a mood to talk with others. This disorder is characterized by persistent grief, irritability, anxiety feelings, poor or change of eating habits, rapid weight loss or gain and sleeping problems.

Depression has become a pandemic syndrome globally; thus contributing to deterioration of health. The research study indicates that many million American adults suffer from depression, but yet the non-reported cases of depression cannot be estimated. Depression interferes with the normal functions of daily activities of people because it causes physical and emotional distress. 

Depression varies in severity because some people may experience depression mildly; thus they will be able to continue with their daily activities without any problems. However, others will experience it once or twice a day and it can contribute to a recurring disease. Depression may result due to prolonged stress and this can contribute to higher duration and severity of this disorder.

Although depression is an extreme emotional expression of feelings caused by stressful live events, illness or medications, providing effective physical and medical treatment such as psychotherapy and antidepressant is crucial.

The main treatment for depression includes psychotherapy and antidepressant treatment approaches. However, some special treatments can be administered to women suffering from depression disorder because of female biological differences. Therefore, any medication offered to women should be monitored because women experience many side effects more than men. 

In the case of prevention, there are varied steps that one should take to prevent depression, which is triggered by external circumstances. First, eating a healthy diet is crucial; thus making a healthy eating plan is fundamental. 

Secondly, proper exercise and expressing feeling to friends are among the ways for relaxing the mind; thus help in promoting a healthy life.  Having positive thoughts and learning to mediate can contribute to positive mental and physical health.

Although depression is an extreme emotional expression of feelings caused by stressful live events, illness or medications, providing effective physical and medical treatment is vital. There are many causes of depression such as relationship issues, family crisis, work stress, illness and many others. 

However, eating a healthy diet, having positive thoughts and proper physical exercise is crucial. Lastly, administering psychotherapy and antidepressant treatment measures would help to reduce depression disorder.


About Unknown

Ongera sam is an academic writer , Reseacher, Counselor,Blogger, Motivator with a bias in Quality Assurance.

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