

Migration To Digital Broadcast Might Be A Dream

The deadline for analogue signals switch off in Nairobi, has been extended to June next year.

The migration which had been set for December 13,2013 was extended following a meeting between President Kenyatta and Information Secretary Fred Matiang’i.

This move has been welcomed by media owners who have said that it will give all stakeholders a chance to deliberate on issues not addressed by the government.

Less than a fortnight ago, CCK launched a sensitization programme to inform Kenyans on the importance of the digital migration before the switch off deadline is reached.

The migration date was postponed from December 12,2012 to April 2013 after the Consumer Federation of Kenya protested saying it would inconvenience many Kenyans since it would be at a time the country was headed for the March polls.

These postponements by the government have raised many questions whether the government is really committed to the digital migration. 

© Daily Prime Kenya


About Unknown

Ongera sam is an academic writer , Reseacher, Counselor,Blogger, Motivator with a bias in Quality Assurance.

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